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Thinking about having Hair Restoration?

Check out our informational videos below
& other ways to restore your confidence!

At MAC, we utilize the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method for hair restoration. That means we do not make a linear "strip" incision but rather small "punch" incisions are made to remove the grafts. This allows for less scarring than the traditional strip method of hair transplantation. 

What is a hair transplant?

Why is the SmartGraft system a superior alternative to traditional hair transplant?

The SmartGraft system allows our physicians to take micro grafts from the back of the scalp and insert them into the balding areas of the scalp. The new grafts will grow in these balding areas allowing for a more fuller, natural looking head of hair. The minimally invasive procedure allows you to return to work in a couple of days with minimal discomfort. 

Have you considered Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is utilized in medicine to promote healing in the body in many ways.  One of the healing properties involves hair restoration!  PRP utilizes your own blood products (growth factors, proteins, etc.) to heal and restore viable hair follicles so they can grow and thrive. 


PRP also works on eyebrows!


Call us today and set up a consultation to evaluate if you are a candidate! 

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